This morning we woke up really early and walked over to the Bergamo train station to buy tickets to Venice. The train ride was about 2.5 hours long and we read the entire time. We are both so fascinated with the books we have and our being total bookworms. Once we arrived in Venice we had to take the water taxi to the other side of the islands and over to St. Mark's Square where our hotel was. Our hotel was easy to find but our arms were killing us from lugging around our bags all morning. Katie and I purposely chose the hotel that we are staying in, and even paid a bit more money, because we knew that we wanted to be on the gondola serenade route. This could not have been a better choice. We loved out hotel location and we managed to squeeze every last penny out of the cost of the room. We sat for hours just watching the gonolas go by with families and couples being serenaded. It was perfect. Although I must admit, we were a little upset with how many couples did not seem happy. I mean, hello, you are in Venice on a gondola being serenaded by an Italian man. It cannot get more romantic than that!!! We were so confused and a lot bothered by it.
So anyways, after getting settled into our hotel we walked around St. Mark Square, grabbed some pizza and chatted with an old Auzzie couple about how insanly screwed we are getting with the exchange rate, walked around Rialto, watched the gondolas from our window, ate dinner at on the Grand Canal and then rushed back to our hotel by 8:00 so that we didnt miss the nighttime gondolas. I'm telling you we were slightly obsessed.
Oh by the way, I wasn't kidding in my earlier post when I said Katie cannot walk. We were crossing this little bridge in front of our hotel when Katie went down, hard core. I mean slow motion fall right onto her hands and knees. It was the most hysterical thing ever. She was okay, don't worry. Tons of people saw her fall and an American man even asked her how her trip was. hahah her trips and falls have seriously made our trip so funny!
Well Katie and I are going to go to bed and we will write more about Venice tomorrow.
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